Encore Medical Rejuvenation | Call On: (780)443-9019 | Address: 20164 Lessard Road Northwest Edmonton, AB T6M 0T9 Canada | Updated On: June 21, 2022 at 11:15AM

Most people can agree that the time an average person spends on hair removal could be better spent elsewhere. Shaving, threading, and waxing are painful, constant, and can cause ingrown hairs and irritate sensitive skin. Regardless of who you are and how well you try to keep up with personal grooming, body hair just keeps growing back. There is a better way if you are tired of the hassle, and getting rid of unwanted hair has never been easier! Laser treatments are an easy option for permanent

Encore Medical Rejuvenation

Encore Medical Rejuvenation


20164 Lessard Road Northwest Edmonton, AB T6M 0T9 Canada


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Encore Medical Rejuvenation

Encore Medical Rejuvenation

Most people can agree that the time an average person spends on hair removal could be better spent elsewhere.

Shaving, threading, and waxing are painful, constant, and can cause ingrown hairs and irritate sensitive skin.

Regardless of who you are and how well you try to keep up with personal grooming, body hair just keeps growing back.

There is a better way if you are tired of the hassle, and getting rid of unwanted hair has never been easier! Laser treatments are an easy option for permanent hair removal, and if you have ever wondered if it's for you, you may have some questions.

Of the hair removal methods available, laser hair removal is a safe and effective option.

The process is simple and requires little preparation or post-procedure action.

Laser hair removal treatments are designed to remove the hair from its source- the hair follicle.

At Encore Medical Rejuvenation, we offer upper body and lower body treatments or can focus on a specific area of your choosing, such as the face or bikini line.

Permanent Makeup - Permanently Enhance Your Natural Beauty.

A perfect treatment to replace eyebrow pencils and powders, eyeliner pencils and lip tint! Permanently enhance your natural beauty with Permanent makeup.

Using the less is more approach, to give you natural and long-lasting results.

Reveal Newer Healthier Looking Skin.

Medical Grade Chemical Peels – Great for treating acne prone skin, pigmented lesions, or just for an overall glow and refresh to the skin Enhance the shape of your face and restore volume, reduce fine lines and amplify facial features.

Treatments can sculpt jawlines, plump thin lips, fill out contours and reduce or even remove shadows under the eyes.

Face shape treatments are effective in achieving a natural and more youthful look.

A common skin condition where red blushing or blood vessels become visible on the face.

Often rosacea appears on the cheeks chin and nose.

Though the true cause of rosacea is not known it is suspected that an overly active immune system is a contributing factor.

People with light skin between the ages of 30 – 50 years are more susceptible to rosacea.

Fortunately, even the most severe affects of rosacea can be treated.

Encore Medical Rejuvenation

Encore Medical Rejuvenation

Encore Medical Rejuvenation


20164 Lessard Road Northwest Edmonton, AB T6M 0T9 Canada


Extra Resources

Encore Medical Rejuvenation Laser Hair Removal Edmonton

Encore Medical Rejuvenation Botox Edmonton

Encore Medical Rejuvenation Encore Medical Rejuvenation


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